City of Seattle Mayor videos

Mayor appoints Sue Rahr as Interim Police Chief, Adrian Diaz assigned to special assignments
Mayor appoints Sue Rahr as Interim Police Chief, Adrian Diaz assigned to special assignments

Mayor Bruce Harrell announced the appointment of Sue Rahr as interim chief of the Seattle Police Department. Rahr, who has a storied history of leadership in modern policing, culture change, and recruitment, and who served as King County Sheriff, Executive Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, and a member of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, will hold the position of interim chief of police. At the same time, a national search will begin for the next permanent chief. Adrian Diaz will step aside the role of chief and work on special assignments for the mayor with SPD.

Speakers and attendees include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell
Adrian Diaz, Seattle Police Department
Sue Rahr, Interim Chief of Police, Seattle Police Department


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