City of Seattle Mayor videos

Mayor Harrell releases city’s first ever “Food Action Plan” update
Mayor Harrell releases city’s first ever “Food Action Plan” update

Mayor Bruce Harrell announced the first update to the Food Action Plan since its creation in 2012. The updated Food Action Plan outlines actions the City of Seattle can take to improve our local food system while advancing interrelated goals of racial and social justice, food security and sovereignty, health, economic development, sustainability, climate action, and more.

Speakers include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Jessyn Farrell, Director, Seattle Office of Sustainability and the Environment
Tanya Woo, Position 8, Seattle City Councilmember
Joy Hollingsworth, District 3, Seattle City Councilmember
Tremayne Edwards, Byrd Barr Place Director of Operations
Valerie Segrest, Principal at Tahoma Peak Solutions
Sara Osborne, Government & Public Affairs Director at Safeway/Albertsons


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