City of Seattle Mayor videos

Mayor hosts second community forum for Creating a Safer Seattle
Mayor hosts second community forum for Creating a Safer Seattle

Mayor Bruce Harrell and city leaders hosted the second community public safety forum at Garfield High School on Tuesday. The public forum is part of a series of forums held in neighborhoods with community members across Seattle over the next month to share more about Mayor Harrell’s public safety framework and receive input and feedback on safety priorities, allowing neighbors to engage in direct conversation with City leaders and representatives on public safety ideas and solutions.

Speakers and attendees include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Joy Hollingsworth, Seattle City Councilmember
Chris Dahline, Deputy Chief, Seattle Fire Department
Hamdi Mohamed, Director, Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs
Tanya Kim, Director, Seattle Human Services Department
Jon Jainga, Park Ranger, Seattle Parks & Recreation
Jeff Geoghagan, Unit Commander, Seattle Police Department
Catriana Hernandez, Crisis Response Manager, Community Assisted Response and Engagement
Dwane Chappelle, Director, Department of Education and Early Learning
Matthew Roberson, Youth Outreach Officer, Seattle Police Department
Jimmy Hung, Chief Deputy Prosecutor, King County Juvenile Division


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