City of Seattle Mayor videos

Mayor presents $1.45 billion Transportation Levy Proposal with vision for a safe, reliable, connected city
Mayor presents $1.45 billion Transportation Levy Proposal

Mayor Bruce Harrell unveiled an 8-year, $1.45 billion levy proposal to fund transportation safety and maintenance in Seattle. This proposal is shaped by community input and follows a period of public engagement on the draft proposal introduced in April. It reflects the City of Seattle’s commitment to a One Seattle vision for a safe, reliable, and connected transportation system and to ongoing efforts to improve transportation infrastructure and services citywide.

Speakers and attendees include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Greg Spotts, Director, Seattle Department of Transportation
Rachel Smith, President & CEO, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
Kirk Hovenkotter, Director, Transportation Choices Coalition Director
César García, Co-Founder, Lake City Collective 
Anna Zivarts, Director, Disability Rights Washington 


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