City of Seattle Mayor videos

Mayor Harrell announces investments in Post-Overdose Facility and addiction treatment
Mayor Harrell announces city investments in post-overdose recovery facility and addiction treatment

Mayor Harrell joined service providers and partners to announce the awardees and finalists of the City's investment for facility improvements to organizations treating substance use disorder and providing post-overdose care and enhanced drug treatment services. 

This award is part of a $27 million investment supporting Mayor Harrell’s Exeutive Order 2023-04: Addressing the Opiod and Synthetic Drug Crisis in Seattle, announced as part of the Downtown Activation Plan to create a safe, welcoming downtown. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant provides $7 million in capital funding. 

Speakers and attendees include:
Tanya Kim – Director, Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) 
Mayor Bruce Harrell
Daniel Malone - Executive Director, Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) 
Steven Bullock – DESC Deputy Director of Operations
Stephen Woolworth, PhD – CEO, Evergreen Treatment Services (ETS) 
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD – Director, UW Center for Community Engaged Drug Education Epidemiology and Research 
Jon Scholes – CEO, Downtown Seattle Association (DSA) 
Lupe Hutardo – Peer Counselor, Opioid Treatment Network 


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