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Mayor unveils bonus rebates for heat pump upgrades
Mayor unveils bonus rebates for heat pump upgrades

Mayor Bruce Harrell will announce new $4,000 bonus rebates for moderate-income households to transition off oil heat to clean electric heat pumps. Income-qualified residents may stack this rebate onto the city’s existing $2,000 Clean Heat instant rebate, which is not income restricted, with an additional $2,000 federal tax credit for a combined $8,000 in support.

In March, Seattle received $3.2 million from the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) to expand the Clean Heat Program, bringing total investments from the CCA to over $26 million for Seattle.

More information here.

Speakers include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Jessyn Farrell, Director, Seattle Office of Sustainability and the Environment
Hayden Lycke, Gensco VP Supplies Sales 

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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