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Seattle U Conversations: Debate on Washington's Climate Commitment Act
Seattle U Conversations: Debate on Washington's Climate Commitment Act

The state’s landmark carbon cap and invest program is designed to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but Initiative 2117 – on the November ballot – could repeal the policy known as the Climate Commitment Act. Former Democratic State Senator Reuven Carlyle helped write the legislation and told host Joni Balter, “The cap on emissions is good policy, it works, it’s an evidence-based global best practice from around the world. The data is overwhelming.” But Brian Heywood, the man behind the initiative to repeal the cap-and-invest system had harsh criticism, “If they really care about the government, they should vote yes on 2117, get rid of this very flawed politician’s dream grift and do something that’s meaningful.” Carlyle fired back, saying this about Initiative 2117, “There’s nothing in this initiative that does anything, it doesn’t reduce anything, it only slashes the budget and increases pollution.” Heywood promised one thing will be reduced, “If 2117 passes, the price of gas, relative to other states, will go down because we’re putting a 25 to 50 cent tax on it.” Election day is Tuesday, November 5.


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